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Baby Carrier Fail?

Babywearing Fail?

Perhaps you’ve heard of Failblog – a website that posts funny pictures of “fails” and touts itself as “helping you feel better about yourself everyday.”   This picture got posted there earlier this week, and I have to say, I think it’s hilarious.

Babywearing can look so strange sometimes!  I can certainly see where people who aren’t used to carrying a baby in an Ergobaby Carrier would think this child looks like it’s suffocating.  To non babywearers and especially to non-parents, this picture is absolutely ridiculous and a definite “fail.”  To me, a person who’s worn my child in many carriers and many situations, including in Ergobaby carrier on the New York City subway, it’s just real life!  Sure, as the numerous comments on this post suggest, this Daddy could stand or take his baby out of the carrier.   But chances are, the kid’s a asleep and perfectly comfortable!  And why stand when you can sit and BOTH be comfortable. Plus, he can take a moment to check his email! It’s a win-win.

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One Response

  1. Thank you for posting this! I get tired of seeing websites like this making fun of baby wearing. I live in Tokyo and my toddler does not fall asleep easily in our baby carriers or stroller for that matter. We get one nap a day and if she wakes up early, forget it, she will not go back to sleep until bedtime. And she is super cranky the rest of the day! We do not own a car and are sometimes on trains for a long time. Standing and baby wearing after you have had a full day of hiking while baby wearing can be exhausting, no matter what carrier you are using!
    We often will sit down but we make sure that baby is not smushed while doing so. My daughter loves her carrier and she also loves a good nap. And we love having a bit of a rest on the train ride home.
    The main reason my hubby will even baby wear is because it is super convenient and he can have his hands free. Often he is checking his iphone for directions and translations so we can figure out where the heck we are!
    The dad in this picture could be doing the same thing.
    Thanks Sling Lady for standing up for us mass transit families!

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