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What is Babywearing?

Give yourself and your child the gift of babywearing!  Babywearing is the practice of carrying a child close to the caregiver’s body in a cloth carrier.

Baby carrier use in the U.S. has taken off in the last 15 years as parents and caregivers increasingly realize the benefits of babywearing for both the adult and the child. The number of fabulous baby carriers out there (with more popping up every day) can be overwhelming to choose from!

The beauty of having so many options is that there is a baby carrier that is right for every family. If you have bought or been given a sling, mei tai, buckle carrier or wrap that just didn’t work for you, hope it not lost! You will be able to find a carrier that meets your needs whether you prioritize comfort, convenience, versatility, or fashion.

The downside to the baby carrier boom is that some of the most widely available carriers on the market are not necessarily the best carriers out there, which increases your risk of buying a carrier that isn’t comfortable and thus deciding that babywearing isn’t for you. That’s where a little research can go a long way.

Many people have concerns that wearing their baby will result in a baby becoming “spoiled” or so used to being carried that they never want to be put down. There is no evidence to support this view, other than firmly held opinions!

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