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I’m pregnant but my toddler won’t let me put her down!

Dear Sling Lady,

I’m 28 weeks pregnant with my second child.  My toddler (two years old) still wants to be carried a lot – in fact, she’s going through a clingy stage just when I’m starting to find our pouch pretty uncomfortable to wear.  I’d love a carrier that can work for us during pregnancy and possibly even with the new baby.

– Andrea

Dear Andrea,

Congratulations on your pregnancy.  It is perfectly possible to comfortably wear a toddler even when you are pregnant.  Most people don’t find a pouch or any hip carrier to be very comfortable as your belly grows, however.

I generally recommend back carriers for pregnant mamas.  Mei tais (like the Kozy and Ball Baby mei tais) are generally the most comfortable, since they are easy to adjust just the way you like them.  You can tie  the straps under or over your belly, depending on what’s comfortable.  At left is Kelly from Kozy Carrier, wearing her toddler in a back carry, while 7 months pregnant.  You might want to consider XL straps so that you can do a tibetan tie (which would then avoid tying near your belly at all).  Mei tais are also a very secure way to carry a newborn, when the time comes.

Wraps are another good option, since they can do a variety of carries for both newborns and older kids.

If neither of these appeals, you might consider a buckle carrier.  Be forewarned that while many people find these carriers comfortable during pregnancy, some complain about the buckles.

I hope this helps!


The Sling Lady

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